Shanxi Lanhe Electronic Engineering Co., Ltd.
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  • Release time: 2018 - 04 - 28
    DDX1-12 Rated electrical parameters of products:numberParameter nameUnitTechnical Data1Rated voltagekV122Rated currentA630-63003Rated pre-expected short-circuit breaking currentkA50-2004Current limit coefficient = cut-off current / the peak Value of Pre-expected Fault Current%15~505Insulation levelPower frequency withstand voltagekV/1min42Lightning impulse withstand voltagekV75Product Characteristics and advantages◆ Strong short-circuit breaking capability ( large capacity ): rated breaking short-circuit current is 50kA~200kA◆ Breaking speed is fast ( high speed ) :Total breaking d...
  • Release time: 2018 - 04 - 25
    DDX1-12 Rated electrical parameters of products:numberParameter nameUnitTechnical date1Rated voltagekV40.52Rated currentA630-63003Rated pre-expected short-circuit breaking currentkA50-2004Current limit coefficient = cut-off current / the peak Value of Pre-expected Fault Current%15~505Insulation levelPower frequency withstand voltagekV/1min95Lightning impulse withstand voltagekV185Product features and advantages◆Strong short-circuit breaking capability ( large capacity ): rated breaking short-circuit current is 50kA~200kA◆Breaking speed is fast (High speed): Total breaking duration:◆The b...
  • Release time: 2018 - 04 - 28
    Basic technical principles:Intelligent integrated dehumidification system in LH100 substation adopts digital transmitter array of temperature and humidity to monitor the indoor, cable trench and outdoor average temperature and the humidity of the distribution room. Based on the data, air moisture content ( water vapor partial pressure ) and dew point temperature are calculated by the algorithm recommended by the World Meteorological Organization and the national military standard GJB1172.1. The above-mentioned basic data and calculation data are the basis for the power distribution and control...
  • Release time: 2018 - 04 - 28
    Product overviewProduct features and advantages:◆ One set of devices can manage up to 99 switch cabinets at the same time.◆ One switch cabinet can be equipped with 12 temperature measuring points and monitored at the same time.◆ Flexible combination of double temperature measuring probes improves temperature measuring efficiency.◆ The contact temperature measurement design is adopted, and the temperature measurement accuracy reaches ±2℃.◆ The open-loop CT energy and high-energy battery two-in-one power supply is adopted,intelligently select the power supply mode.◆...
  • Release time: 2018 - 04 - 28
    Product characteristics and advantages:◆ The electronic System is simple and efficient◆Arc light detectors have a wide range, high sensitivity and large wide-angle photosensitive probe◆ Precision arc recognition and positioning technology◆ Original current algorithm can identify the fault current as quick as possible◆ Highly flexible criterion, reliable and fast action.◆ Flexible configuration and strong adaptability:◆ Low cost and high profit◆ The life cycle of the switch cabinet is effectively prolonged◆Ensure personnel safety◆Reduce equipment damageProduct...
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  • Shanxi Lanhe Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.
    TEL: 86-29-84251056

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Date: 2018-07-27
Views: 22

2018.7  LH100型变电站智能综合除湿系统已在配电室成功运行10套以上

2018.4  LH104柜体智能综合除湿装置研发成功


2017.5  LH100型变电站智能综合除湿系统在榆林某变电站首次投入运行

2017. 2  LH100型变电站智能综合除湿系统研发成功


2015.2  DDX1限流器已经在全国累计运行350套,电力行业约200套


2014.12  LH200B智能无线测温装置研发成功并在陕西供电系统成功投入运行

2014.4  LH300电弧光综合保护装置研发成功并在陕西供电系统成功投入运行


2012.6  DDX1-20/3150-40限流器成功应用于孟加拉能源电力公司220kV变电站


2011.9  直流DDX1-20/2000-40限流器应用于南海某油田群海底电缆保护工程,并通过海油系统验收,标志蓝河电气正式成为中海油限流器产品合格供应商

2011.3  DDX1限流器组柜产品DGXK2-40.5/3150-40通过西安高压电气研究院有限责任公司型式试验


2010.9  LH500变压器中性点新型成套保护装置在供电系统成功投入运行

2010.3  LH500变压器中性点新型成套保护装置研发成功

2010.3  DDX1-40.5/3150A限流器在山西、陕西电力公司成功投入运行


2008.4  FZQ1-7.2型石油行业专用防雷阻波器研发成功并投入使用

2008.4  XXQ3-12型电压互感器消谐器在陕西农网投入使用


2006.3  DDX1-12/4000-63限流器在陕西省电力公司首次挂网运行


2005.8  DDX1-12/6300-80限流器通过西安高压电器研究院有限责任公司的型式试验

2005.6  DDX1-12/(630-6300)系列短路电流限制器产品研发成功

2004.2  陕西蓝河电气工程有限公司注册成立


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